A Miscellaneous Page for Miscellaneous Things

Ramblings and Happenings

I have added a few things to this website. They can be found on the Misc. (Miscellaneous Things 📎) page.

There are a few reasons I want to have a website. First, I feel it is somewhat of an expectation in my line of work to have a professional portfolio, and along with that, a website to showcase said portfolio. The Tech Portfolio page, which is still under construction, will fufill that function. Another reason I want to have a website is to showcase my creative works. The Art Gallery page, which is also under construction, will fufill that role for the most part. Although, seperate from that page, I have just created a page to showcase the videos I have worked on.

This brings me to my third and fourth reasons to have a website, which are to be able to share things with others and reference things for myself more easily. The videos I have worked on are things I like to share with others, but so are the recipes I use. Both of these things I have wanted a central place to reference for a long time. The recipes I use can be found here on this site.